i have a little problem with my sonoff humidity sensors when it comes to zigbee connectivity.
I have a humidity sensor in my bathroom and 3 tradfri lamps. Also a tradfri socket which is always on. Unfortunately i cant teach my familiy to not turn off the 3 tradfri lamps when they leave the room (oh god… i’ve tried…) and when they get offline, the sensor sometimes is not available until the lamps come back on.
Can i configure it somehow that my sensors always prefer the routes via the always-on devices? I am using the ZHA integration
the problem isnt that i dont have a good signal, the power socket has perfekt connectivity. The sensor just insists it must use the tradfri bulbs and not the socket which is not possible because they are offline (1m next to the power socket… ) i also can repair the sensor via the power socket without any problems… it just decides from time to time that the bulb route would be better and goes unavailable with the bulbs
I have two zigbee networks to solve this: one network for devices that can be powered off and one for devices that aren’t. That way the sensors and remotes never lose their connection.
Or what I did: exchange the button of a physical switch with a blind cover, so it can’t be toggled to off. And then place a battery-driven smart switch right next to it.
Easy to switch back, when I move out of the rental again.
When I move to something more permanent, I would install something mains powered in the existing frame.