Preparing for disaster with a HassOS RPI4

I want to have a spare SD card with HassOS and Hassio setup, in case the one I have fails, so that all I have to do is swap the SD card then have HassIO up and running then restore from a more recent snapshot. I don’t remember if I used the 32bit or 64bit HassOS img when I first installed HassOS. Is it important for me to use the same HassOS version or can I use whichever I want to and still restore from a snapshot if it was on a different version HassOS? I want to use the 64bit version even though I might have used the 32bit version originally.

If not, what is the best way to find out which HassOS version I used to install with? Can I find out without putting the SD card in a reader on another machine?

Thirdly, should I be able to copy and paste my HassIO supervisor files from the old card to the new card if the new card is in a USB reader in my Ubuntu system and I have access to the HassIO supervisor through my network? When I try to paste into hassos-data>supervisor I don’t have the permissions. Can I change the permissions so that I can paste all of my supervisor folders and files and that way the spare is already setup like the original SD card?

I just realized one problem. I am unable to write to the spare SD card in the reader that is in the Ubuntu machine because of permissions only allowed by root. I found the following but I am unable to change the permissions because I get chown: cannot access '/media/user/… : No such file or directory

Is there a way around that problem?

Just put the SD card in a linux machine, use ‘dd’ to copy the existing image to the HDD. Then put the new SD in, and use dd to write the image back. No need to reinstall.

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or Win32DiskImager on Windows. I use this to do full SD-Card backups all the time.

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What if the original SD and the spare SD are two different sizes? The original is 16GB and the spare is 32GB. Can I use dd or Win32DiskImager on Windows and still be able to use the extra space or does they do an identical clone to where the extra space is unusable?

I found out that I can put the SD card into a Windows machine and open the USB drive then open config.txt and look for

# uncomment for aarch64 bit support


# uncomment for aarch64 bit support
# arm_64bit=1

My original SD card has the latter and the the spare SD has the former which I know for a fact has the 64bit version of HassOS.

So I can’t do a clone if I want to move to a 64bit version. So now cloning is out of the question.

Is there a way I can write to the spare SD card in a Ubuntu machine or am I left trying to setup HA on the spare SD while in my RPI4 and then Samba and then copying a backup file to the spare SD and restoring from it?

Question is why do you want to migrate to 64bit version? This is not recommended for HassOS - some stuff won’t work which is why 32bit is recommended.
Otherwise, just back up config folder with yaml files etc.

I want to find out if there are things I already have that don’t work with 64bit. If everything works and it turns out to be faster and better with 64bit then I want to use it.

I was hoping to make the process easier by copying the config folder from one SD to another in Ubuntu. This way I could do it again from the spare to the original if I upgrade the original to 64bit.

I’d like to know what exactly did not work on 64bit when this part was written to the documentation.
Is there any information available?

Some addons are incompatible I believe. Never had that issue myself even though I did run the 64bit version a long time ago before switching to HA Supervised.

If the card is bigger, no problem
If the card has 1 less byte it will fail (different manufacturers use different byte layouts (less so now) but a ‘bad’ byte marker still counts as one less)