Presence Activated Light Issue

Hi guys i’ve just started to get into Home assistant & hoping for a little help. I have 4 lights in my lounge and have a Aqara Fp2. I’ve used the blueprint Presence-Activated Light and using lux setting to turn on and off the lights but i’m stuck with an issue. I have the set the lux setting to 9 and the lights turn on fine when the lux goes below 9 and don’t turn on when above 9 lux but my issue is if i’m in the room when the light goes below the 10 lux the lights don’t turn on, i have to leave the room and re enter the room before the light turn back on. How can i remidy this.

alias: Temp Pres 1
description: ""
  path: antoniopacheco/presence-sensor-light-automation.yaml
    light_sensor: sensor.living_room_fp2_precence_sensor_light_sensor_light_level
    presence_entity: binary_sensor.living_room_fp2_precence_sensor_presence_sensor_1
        - light.christmas_tree
        - light.living_room_fire_light_bulb
        - light.extended_color_light_1
        - light.extended_color_light_1_2
    light_threshold: 9
    off_transition: 0
    no_motion_wait: 0

Anybody?, Any Ideas?