Exemple: via presence detection, I would like to know that my animal (dog or cat mainly) are present in kitchen or living room.
For this, I think we would need a animal integration like person integration ( but I don’t know if we can give a value of room for person which could be usefull as well).
I just dont see where this differentiation is necessary. Just use ‘person’ use the animal’s name and picture but otherwise all the same tracking methods apply.
If your question is more about extending presence down to room level… You can integrate something like room assistant https://www.room-assistant.io/ with bluetooth LE trackers to get room level location.
Read the site on the tool I posted. It handles room level. In my scenarios i would add a Bluetooth LE fob to the animal’s collar. Set up an entity like a person and associate the tracker with the entity (just like any other person) now when writing automation i would leave out/ignore the dog for ‘people’ type automations and vice versa for animal tyle automation. Its true theres no inherent flag that says ‘this is a dog’ but I also don’t have one that says ‘this is my wife’ and I dont need it either.
I still have to make the same kind of differentiation in my automation already so adding another attribute or entity wouldnt help.
If you needed to do this for animals in bulk and needed to know if it was an animal v. People then you could just set up template sensors or groups to respond differently.
Thank you Nathan to notice that. I was not aware of this room assistant.
I don’t have any raspi zero to test your suggestion but I will read all
I have builded a BLE tracking based on tasmota ibeacon on ESP32 which is reporting sensors per Itag. The device is place in a room X. But I’m stuck in how to display those sensors link to animals and in room X. Tracking person by ble is not something that interest me at that point.
I still don’t know how to report those “person” in lovelace via a beautifull way. If you have some recommendations, it will be appreciated. I’m searching a way to display informations like “last room location” and also leave room x follow by enter in room y.
I understand from your message that is easy way to detect if person is animals or person.
I’m sorry, I only read about the room presence after posting.
I can recommend Room Assistant as well, I’m using it for quite some time but for persons instead of pets.
Im there as well now, it’s just a little weird to use the person integration for pets.
I mean, there is nothing wrong with going that route to make it work just fine.
It just seems that there should be a separate high level “thing” in place to avoid all the confusion.
I would even go as far as saying that a person should not be a person, perhaps that should be a “beeing” of sorts, complicating things even further, so that’s not a good idea.
At the object level, you could say that a pet could be member of a collection of pets on a person, but that’s not correct either. Does “person” have children?
If it does, a pet is not a really a child (well somtimes it feels like that) - so it doesn’t belong there either.
To me this is important - I don’t have children, but do have two little Dachshunds that are on the FI integration, but I’m not sure how to design this yet. They will probably be persons for now to group the device trackers, but that just seemed completely wrong and awkward in terms of the object naming.
The market for this type of stuff is exploding at the moment, to have HA at least consider something like “pet” in its core would be awesome and help the project more by finding more followers.
Uh-oh, how about just “Animal” - I know a guy that could track his cows on LoRaWan this way.