Presence home and maps

Hi all. I was playing with the new presence detection using Goole home and also went to add google maps but get a duplicated mapping key at line 67, column 5:
platform: google_maps
I use
- platform: googlehome

    platform: google_maps
    username: name
    password: pass

Any ideas?

Device Tracker platforms need to be in a list. So each "platform needs a “-” in front to differentiate them from each other or they all look like they are all apart of the top “platform”.


  - platform: googlehome

  - platform: google_maps
    username: name
    password: pass

  - platform: 3rd_device_tacker_example...

Thanks for that. Yep that worked. Now have another issue. Put the wrong login details in but not sure thats what caused the issue but now I get

2018-12-09 09:08:00 ERROR (SyncWorker_9) [locationsharinglib.Service] Could not open pickle file, either file does not exist or no read access.
and just googling etc on how to fix.

Seems to have come good. May have been an issue not here but elsewhere