Presence toggles in dashboard but doesn't trigger automation

Slow smartthings convert here…getting my feet wet. I’m trying to get presence to trigger an automation but it only works for me. My ‘person’ is the only administrator…that’s the only difference I can see.

I have each person tied to their mobile via ASUSWRT. It shows up for everyone as device_tracker.name_some_device and another without their name. For instance in “people” my wife has two devices available and mapped to her person: device_tracker.oneplus_8_5g and device_tracker.rafi_s8.

When I enter “home” with this automation, the dashboard changes to “home” and the automation runs. When either family member returns home, the dashboard changes but nothing else happens. What could be going on here? The automation snippet below is the same for everyone.

Thanks in advance,

alias: unlock door when Rafi enter home zone
description: ''
  - platform: zone
    entity_id: person.rafi
    zone: zone.home
    event: enter
condition: []

Did you change the entity_id value for each automation to the correct person?

FYI: depending on the actions and conditions of the automations, you could just combine everything in one automation

Yes…in fact I’ve changed the script to all of us at once. I have been testing it with developer tools / states, setting state to “not_home” and “home” for each person/entity. It toggles the dashboard…but doesn’t trigger the automation. Is there a different variable for ‘person’ automation triggers?

alias: Return Home
description: ''
  - platform: zone
      - person.jim
      - person.weston
      - person.rafi
    zone: zone.home
    event: enter
condition: []
  - service: media_player.play_media
      entity_id: media_player.home_group_2
      media_content_id: media-source://tts/google_translate?message=Welcome+Home
      media_content_type: provider
      title: Welcome Home
      media_class: app
      children_media_class: null
        - {}
        - media_content_type: app
          media_content_id: media-source://tts
        - media_content_type: provider
          media_content_id: media-source://tts/google_translate?message=Welcome+Home
mode: single

There have been issues with Zone triggers and router-based presence for a while.

Use a state trigger instead:

  - platform: state
      - person.jim
      - person.weston
      - person.rafi
    to: home

Thanks, that works perfectly!