Preset modes for mqtt based hvac

Hi, in 0.96 there was a redesign of the climate integration introducing preset modes.

I connect my zwave based hvac via zwave2mqtt and manual integration based on

In this document there is no mentioning of self defined preset modes.

My configuration looks as follows:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Thermostat Fabian"
    unique_id: "thermostat_fabian"    
    qos: 0
      - heat
      - cool
      - 'off'
    mode_state_topic: "zwave2mqtt/23/64/1/0" 
    mode_state_template: >
      {% set values = {'"Off"':'off','"Heat"':'heat', '"Heat Eco"':'cool'} %}
      {{ values[value] if value in values.keys() else 'off' }}
    mode_command_topic: "zwave2mqtt/spirit/23/64/1/0/set"
    current_temperature_topic: "zwave2mqtt/23/49/1/1"
    min_temp: 11
    max_temp: 25
    temp_step: 0.5
    temperature_high_state_topic: "zwave2mqtt/23/67/1/1"
    temperature_high_command_topic: "zwave2mqtt/23/67/1/1/set"    
    temperature_low_state_topic: "zwave2mqtt/23/67/1/11"
    temperature_low_command_topic: "zwave2mqtt/23/67/1/11/set"

I would like to define preset modes “Off”,“Heat”, “Heat Eco”, “Full Power” and assign
temperature_high to “Heat” and “Full Power” and
temperature_low to “Heat Eco”.

can I define the preset modes accourding to the revised climate integration introduced in 0.96. It looks like the documentation is still on the older version
Any help is greatly appreciated


Did you get this figured out? I am trying to figure out how to use presets for mqtt based climate devices as well.

Hi Brian,
unfortunately I didn’t. Due to my lack of HA internals and knowledge in Node Red I would currently just define a mqtt master climate control and use Node Red to sync the real devices with the master device.