Prevent Relay Switch from toggling with Helper enabled

Hello, I’m relatively new to HA. I’ve tested it several times over the years but only implemented it full time within the past 2 months once I got my reverse proxy working.

I’m slowly trying to switch my automations from some functions I had with Wyze. I’m working on the garage door right now, and I just purchased a Zigbee relay; this one to be exact:

It triggers fine, although confusingly shows up as a light.

My question is, I’m trying to get peace of mind for my family at night, and I was considering having an automation block the ability for the relay to be triggered when a Helper/Boolean is enabled. So my thought process was, while this Helper is toggled on, prevent the button from activating the door. However, I’m not sure how to do that. Since it wires directly into the garage door, just triggering the relay will activate the door. But I can’t figure out a way to block the relay from accepting the command while the Helper is enabled/ toggled on.

Can this be done, or am I over complicating things? My thought was like from hours of 10 PM to 7 AM prevent the relay from being triggered remotely by HA.