Princess Home Integration

Does anyone have any information that can help me connect my heater to home assistant. It uses the Princess Home app ive seen some models using HomeWizard and have gotten it working however mine uses another app.

Any help or points in the right direction would be great. TIA

Heater in question.

App used to controll it.


I also have 2 Princess heaters, which I have not yet setup (at all). I have found this thread that might give some clues on how to get them into HA.

Yeah I believe the main issue is that it uses a different app entirely so the config will be completely different I think. I’ve just started using home assistant but once I figure out how to program it ill post anything I find.

Sounds great.

I got two of them that I just (finally) got setup in the Princess Home app.

Let me know if I can help in any way. Unfortunately mine are located in our summer house - so I don’t have every day physical access to them…

I have the same issue as mine is in a garage, im tempted to just get rid and get somthing that can either run of a smart plug or has full integration. The support just isnt their for the app. Doesnt help that the app and documentation for it is useless.

I got my two heaters discovered by the Tyua Local integration. Unfortunately I didn’t manage to get hold of the device info needed from Tuya Dev Platform to be able to add them…

(In the other thread there is one guy that managed to get the info…I have asked him how but no response)

Apparently it should be possible to add the Princess heaters using the Tuya Smart app (instead of the Princess Home app) and then aquire the details on the Tuya Dev Platform needed to add them to HA using the Tuya local integration.

I will try this in 2w when I am at our summer house.


I use the Tuya Smart app and in HA I have made the connection with the Tuya integration and also the Smart Tuya app.
It works for me.


I will try this aswell will report back if it works.

I have managed to get this working using the Tuya smart app.

Really easy to do just remove it from the princess app and it will start the pairing process on the heater automatically. Just open up tuya app and search while on same network and mine just found it straight away.

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