Priority highest not working on android app


I have created some notifications, for me and my wife.
one is when the doorbell rings, and that one has priority as the delivery guy won’t wait.
So I created and action like this

  - service: notify.notify
      message: 'De Deurbel Gaat! GlsCode: {{ states(''input_text.text1'') }}'
      title: Deurbel
        priority: highest

but whenever I set “priority: highest” the message is only delivered on my iphone and not on the android phone of my wife.
If I change the priority to “high” everything works fine.
according to the manual
[edit: I wasn’t done typing]

both statuses are valid, and I don’t know the difference.
The important part is that the delay is as short as possible.

Does someone know why highest doesn’t work on android?

Hard to say because you link to documentation but are using notify.notify service which simply says the data is platform dependent.

Are you trying to send notifications to the mobile apps?

I tend to use the mobile_app notify service which recommends priority high and ttl 0 data attributes for android phones
Critical notifications | Home Assistant Companion Docs (

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priority: highest is not a valid value for android, if you are on android 8.0 or higher that option is also ignored. Importance is what you are after but that also only impacts the first time the setting was changed for a notification channel.

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I have not seen anything saying

priority: high
ttl: 0

is not supported on android 8+

It is recommended on the link i posted above.

I had not found the importance section though. It appears to only apply to channels where as I have used groups for my notifications. I’ll have to investigate the differences.

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thank you both,
my wife is on Android 12, so that shouldn’t be an issue.
for now I changed it to

  - service: notify.notify
      message: 'De Deurbel Gaat! GlsCode: {{ states(''input_text.text1'') }}'
      title: Deurbel
        priority: high
        ttl: 0
        importance: high

which is working,
still I can’t find the difference between the 3 options. but now it works

Sorry I misspoke, ttl and priority are still used to speed up the delivery of firebase messages.

Code wise priority only applies to devices before notification channels were introduced and that is mentioned in the link I posted above.

What 3 options? Give the docs a deep dive read on every page, just about everything is explained there.