Prix carburant France - need beta-tester

it seems that de pi library is not updated.
i will check that

can be fix by using the command :

cd deps/lib/python3.7/site-packages/
pip3 install PrixCarburantClient -t .

I don’t know why home-assistant can’t download the version.

Sorry for the delay.
Please update the repo. Seems to work now !

The pluggin is fully ready and HACS compatible !!!
but website is down for the used link to retreive gazole data…
i contacted the webmaster to repare the link.

Cool :wink:

For the data maybe you shall get them here:

I’m using these xml :slight_smile:
But the “Day” link is dead …

The link is now OK :slight_smile:

hello is it possible for you to be integrated to take charge of the position of a mobile to indicate the cheapest fuel where it is?, the top would be to be able to have two cards, one with the coordinates of the house and the other from the mobile.