Pro Breeze PB-20-EU + LocalTuya

I didn’t find too much information about integrating dehumidifiers in home assistant.
I bought a Pro Breeze PB-20 (European version I think it only changes the power socket)

I made it work with local tuya using this configuration:

"xxxxxxxxxxxxx": {
    "friendly_name": "Deshumidificador",
    "host": "192.168.x.x",
    "local_key": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
    "protocol_version": "3.3",
    "entities": [
            "friendly_name": "Power",
            "restore_on_reconnect": false,
            "is_passive_entity": false,
            "id": 1,
            "platform": "switch"
            "friendly_name": "Mode",
            "select_options": "0;1",
            "select_options_friendly": "Auto;Continuous",
            "restore_on_reconnect": false,
            "is_passive_entity": false,
            "id": 2,
            "platform": "select"
            "friendly_name": "Current Humidity",
            "unit_of_measurement": "%",
            "device_class": "humidity",
            "id": 3,
            "platform": "sensor"
            "friendly_name": "Wind Speed",
            "select_options": "1;0",
            "select_options_friendly": "Slow;High",
            "restore_on_reconnect": false,
            "is_passive_entity": false,
            "id": 6,
            "platform": "select"
            "friendly_name": "Child Lock",
            "restore_on_reconnect": false,
            "is_passive_entity": false,
            "id": 7,
            "platform": "switch"
            "friendly_name": "Swing",
            "select_options": "True;False",
            "select_options_friendly": "Active;Inactive",
            "restore_on_reconnect": false,
            "is_passive_entity": false,
            "id": 8,
            "platform": "select"
            "friendly_name": "Fault",
            "id": 11,
            "platform": "sensor"
            "friendly_name": "Target Humidity",
            "min_value": 30.0,
            "max_value": 80.0,
            "step_size": 5.0,
            "restore_on_reconnect": false,
            "is_passive_entity": false,
            "id": 4,
            "platform": "number"
            "friendly_name": "Countdown Activated",
            "select_options": "0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15;16;17;18;19;20;21;22;23;24",
            "select_options_friendly": "Inactive;1 Hour;2 Hours;3 Hours;4 Hours;5 Hours;6 Hours;7 Hours;8 Hours;9 Hours;10 Hours;11 Hours;12 Hours;13 Hours;14 Hours;15 Hours;16 Hours;17 Hours;18 Hours;19 Hours;20 Hours;21 Hours;22 Hours;23 Hours;24 Hours",
            "restore_on_reconnect": false,
            "is_passive_entity": false,
            "id": 12,
            "platform": "select"
            "friendly_name": "Countdown Remaining",
            "unit_of_measurement": "mins",
            "device_class": "duration",
            "id": 13,
            "platform": "sensor"
            "friendly_name": "Inside Drying",
            "select_options": "False;True",
            "select_options_friendly": "Not Activated;Activated",
            "restore_on_reconnect": false,
            "is_passive_entity": false,
            "id": 101,
            "platform": "select"
    "model": "Pro Breeze 30L Compressor Dehumidifier",
    "device_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "dps_strings": [
        "1 (value: True)",
        "2 (value: 0)",
        "3 (value: 72)",
        "4 (value: 50)",
        "6 (value: 0)",
        "7 (value: False)",
        "8 (value: False)",
        "11 (value: 0)",
        "12 (value: 0)",
        "13 (value: 0)",
        "101 (value: False)"
    "product_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

I created a simple card like this and I can manage almost everything. It works flawlessly.

(note, the power consumption is from a BW-SHP13 socket, it’s not provided by the dehumidifier)

For reference (no affiliate link) this is the model in Amazon:

I still need to solve how to create an entity to detect when the water deposit is full, but I see a value of 8 on DP_ID 11… so it’s a matter of investigating a little bit more.


Today I found that value 4 in DP_ID 11 is for internal defrosting.

I was looking for a dehumidifier with HA compatibility. Great stuff!

How do you like the device performance wise (dehumidifying)?

I never had one before so it’s difficult to say, but I’m happy with it.

1 Like

Another questoin, How did you get the LocalKey? I seem to be unable to add it to the Tuya Smart app. I do however have the PB-15 (also EU) and not the PB-20 model

I was able to add it to to the NetHome app (Probreeze).

Edit: found out myself - although it looks like Tuya, it isnt Tuya. I was able to add the Dehumidifer using the midea AC LAN HACS repo (there are more, this had next next finish auto discovery).
Not sure if local though, need to test it.

How did you manage this, my HA is unable to find the device with midea ac

My variant isn’t tuya but midea (Europe). I guess yours isn’t?


Im new to this, so how do i create this card

Hi, I have just this same dehumidifier.
Trying to connect it to localtuya, is it a climate or a fan device?

Done it! Thanks

1 Like

I have it as a climate device

I also have found this (water tank sensor):

DP11/id: 11

  • platform/type: sensor friendly_name: Fault/Water tank is full

Interesting, but how have you configured it to detect when the tank is full?

No yet, waiting for the tank to get filled
I hope the value 0 will change to something…

I know that when it’s full it shows an “8”, and sometimes I got a “4” but I don’t know what was the “fault”.

But I havent been able to make local-tuya to show
“OK” on 0
“Full” on 8

I found the details here:

What I might do is create a helper in Home Assistant, so when the value is 8 it turns on the Tank Full helper.

Hi, sorry my english,
i´ m trying do setup the ProBreeze 30L, i made a IOT project in Tuya, i ve 3 ID´s, but what are my Keys, i have 3 IDs
|Access ID/Client ID: |3ddvuqhzzzxxxxxxxxx|
|Access Secret/Client Secret: |e31cccdc20214a5xxxxxxxxxxxx|
| Device IOT|bffaa1256f5a86bab9ipqm|

wich field should i fill ?


You need the local key

You have to go in Tuya IoT platform to:
Cloud / API Explorer / Device Management / Query device details

Yo paste there your Device ID and it will show you the local key

I have just tested
0. OK
8. Full
4. Defrosting *

*This is normal. When defrosting is complete, use the appliance as normal (from the user manual)

Hi Joan,
I’m From Madrid too.
I’m a Newbie…
I have installed the local tuya but I don’t know how to create the card.
I have two of these dehumidifiers (exact model)
Please can you give me a hand?