Prob dumb but frigate config question

Hope i didnt overlook this anywhere when i searched…
If yes, i am sorry.
I have frigate running so far so good, but i have real issues with a couple settings that seem not to get through to me…
First of is the detection threshold…
I get false alarms on things and when i look it is 71% certain or sometimes 80%
How can i adjust that and do i have to make an entry for every object i am “monitoring” or can that be done globally?
Does anyone have an code example for either for several items or global?

Next is the min max area…
What is the unit of number used and how do i determjn those? I understand that i can say with it, ignore thjngs smaller or bigger als min/max…but how…
Mm? inches? Pixel?

Would be awesome to discuss with someone using those settings to learn from it…

Thx alot

It can be done globally or per camera / object. That being said I’d recommend staring with other filters like min / max area

The unit is pixels, also when you see a snapshot / use the debug live view the number next to the % score is the area of that box