Problem after migration database su mariadb

I have migrate the db HA to mariadb but on boot I’have this problem

2023-02-06 23:37:39.717 ERROR (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder.util] Error executing query: (pymysql.err.DataError) (1366, “Incorrect string value: ‘\xF0\x93\x86\x9A\xF0\x93…’ for column at row 1”)
[SQL: INSERT INTO statistics_meta (statistic_id, source, unit_of_measurement, has_mean, has_sum, name) VALUES (%(statistic_id)s, %(source)s, %(unit_of_measurement)s, %(has_mean)s, %(has_sum)s, %(name)s)]
[parameters: {‘statistic_id’: ‘recorder.db_test’, ‘source’: ‘recorder’, ‘unit_of_measurement’: None, ‘has_mean’: 1, ‘has_sum’: 1, ‘name’: ‘𓆚𓃗’}]
(Background on this error at: Error Messages — SQLAlchemy 1.4 Documentation)
2023-02-06 23:37:39.761 ERROR (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder.statistics] Error when validating DB schema: (pymysql.err.DataError) (1366, “Incorrect string value: ‘\xF0\x93\x86\x9A\xF0\x93…’ for column at row 1”)
[SQL: INSERT INTO statistics_meta (statistic_id, source, unit_of_measurement, has_mean, has_sum, name) VALUES (%(statistic_id)s, %(source)s, %(unit_of_measurement)s, %(has_mean)s, %(has_sum)s, %(name)s)]
[parameters: {‘statistic_id’: ‘recorder.db_test’, ‘source’: ‘recorder’, ‘unit_of_measurement’: None, ‘has_mean’: 1, ‘has_sum’: 1, ‘name’: ‘𓆚𓃗’}]

what is record.db_test ?

Might be better to post this in the release notes topic. The dev who did the database work is active there.

did you find the fix for this? im getting the same problem

HA now requires utf8mb4 charset for the database tables