Good day I am trying to do some simple exercise to use automation.turn_on to call an automation from another automation. but, for some reason I cannot get it to work. This automation is supposed just to call trial_air_purifier that turn on a purifier.
I tested separately trial_air_purifier and is working properly.
Both automations are created using the visual editor.
Can you help me to understand what am I doing wrong?
A couple things - you’re using an automation where you really want a script, and “turning on” an automation doesn’t cause it to run, it just enables the trigger. Seems like you just want a script that turns on your air purifier, then call it from where you want.
Thanks for the clarifications.
I think I got it. automation.trial_air_purifier hasn’t any trigger in it, so automation.turn_on has nothing to enable.
I replaced automation.turn_on with automation.trigger, that works.
Concerning the scripting suggestion, I need to read a bit more.