Problem Controlling Insteon 2476D Dimmers

Currently running the latest updates. After adding Insteon integration, it found all my devices. However I can’t seem to consistently control my 2476 Dimmer modules.

For example: when I toggle it on/off it doesn’t work. When I move brightness from 0-100, it turns on. I can then toggle it off, although it doesn’t always register as off on my overview.

When I try the same on/off toggle with the 2457D2 Dimmer, it works as expected: turns on and off.

I have seen that others have had this issue and it seemed to be rooted in the on_level property of the dimmer switch. Most that have had this issue, the on_level value was set to 0. I have 2477D switches and don’t have this issue, but my on_level value is set to 254. Give that a try.


Thanks for the tip. It turns out that with the 2476D switches; when I try and change any of the properties, I get the following message “The device did not respond as expected to the write request.” So I’m not sure what to do with that