Problem in installing appdaemon 4 in

I have installed on rapsberry pi 4 with Home Assistant 0.115.6.
I installed the addon of appdaemon 4. I didn’t have appdaemon 3.
I created a file appdaemon.yaml and wrote in the file:

secrets: /config/secrets.yaml
  latitude: 32.7920896
  longitude: 34.9837203
  elevation: 0
  time_zone: Asia/Jerusalem
  app_dir: /config/appdaemon/apps
      type: hass
  dash_dir: /config/appdaemon/dashboards

I created a long lived token in the home assistant and copied it and filled all the addresses with the ports.
I restarted home assistant and than I get a notification:

Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from (

and in the log of the addon:

2020-10-03 03:57:36.897636 INFO HASS: Connected to Home Assistant 0.115.6
2020-10-03 03:57:36.904772 WARNING HASS: Error in authentication
2020-10-03 03:57:36.906318 WARNING HASS: Disconnected from Home Assistant, retrying in 5 seconds

What am I doing wrong?
Yesterday I changed the router in my home so the ip address of the home assistant was changed but I changed everthing in the home assistant to the new address.


Hi @th1234,

As far as I know the addon install should be pretty straight forward, without needing to touch the appdaemon.yaml nor creating a token. This was needed for the appdaemon 3 addon, but not for the 4th one. So my recommendation to you is:

  • Uninstall addon Appdaemon 4
  • Remove folder appdaemon that you probabky have in /config
  • Install addon AppDaemon 4
  • Start addon and you should see in the loga a hello_world app initialized

These are the steps I followed recently to install AppDaemon in a new setup, no need of extra configuration.

Let me know if you need more help.

Xavi M.

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Thank you! It works great.
But now how can I add a dashboard and edit it?

Sorry @th1234, I’ve never used the dashboard, so I am not able to help you with this. I just use AppDaemon for the python scripting part, to create AppDaemon automation apps.

How do you create python scripts with appdaemon?

You can check the documentation for it in here. If you have a more specific question you can ask in here or create a new topic for it.

Thank you very much!!