Problem installing Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi 4 (using WiFi)

I have had a number of problems installing Home Assistant

Using haos_rpi4-6.2.img

The SD has GUID Partition Map so I can’t add CONFIG to it so I used the Advanced Options in Imager.

Previously I got this problem:

Starting Docker Application Container Engine … Failed to start wait until kernel time synchronized” use systemctl status systemd-time-wait-sync.service for details

And that says the start operation timed out.

Today I used the IP address as the SSID and reached the command line interface.

IPv4 addresses for eth0 and wlan0 were both missing.
Does anyone know what this means?

To do what?

That sentence makes no sense.

I suggest you start over, flash the SD card with Balena Etcher as per the instructions and connect the pi to your network via an Ethenet cable for the first boot. You can later change this to wifi in the Supervisor / System / Host card. Though running Home Assistant via a wifi connection is strongly advised against.

Also there is no reason to use the 32 bit image now. Use the 64 bit image.

I do not want to use ethernet. I’ve had this discussion many times in a Reddit post (and I do not want to repeat it). But I may have used the incorrect SSID. It was a 5Ghz address and requires WPA2 authentication. I’m not an network expert (obviously) so I may be using the incorrect terminology. Can I find out the authentication and, if it isn’t WPA2, can I change it?

Home Assistant dose not broadcast a wireless network, it connects to yours.

You will need:

  • Pi
  • Some other computer (mac, win, chrome, linux, doesnt matter) with a USB port available.
  • USB stick of any size which you can erase. You won’t need it after the process is complete so don’t go buy one, use anything you have.
  • a random created UUID, created from
  1. Using the spare computer, format the USB drive as Fat32, whatever size it is, doesn’t matter, you are only going to put one file on it.
  2. Name this new USB volume CONFIG (all uppercase, no quotes)
  3. In the root of the USB drive, create a directory called network (lower case) and in that directory, create a file called my-network (all lower case no quotes no spaces)
  4. Edit this file with your text editor of choice and if you are doing static wifi, here’s what you need to put in the file:

# Uncomment below if your SSID is not broadcasted


address=;   (use your subnet, mask, and router)

  1. eject and remove the USB stick from your spare PC, put it into the PI, and boot the PI. If all goes well, it will boot, join your network, and be reachable at the IP address you used above.

Once you have successfully booted the PI to HA, then named your HA, signed into it, created your user, etc, you can shut down the PI and remove the USB key. You will not need it again.

Dumb question: Can I do this even if I haven’t installed HA? I have the SD installed but it didn’t launch.

First you flash HA OS to an SD.
Then create the USB
Stick both in your Pi
Start the Pi

My network guru says I might need a private key. Is that true?


wh = the SSID from your accesspoint or router


that is the preshared key of your accesspoint or router (your password ! )

No need for a private key, unless you have enterprise security on your access point or router, but I don’t think you have a radius server in your house.

I tried that but it didn’t help although I didn’t use the list of addresses for ipv4 - I used auto. When does your-wifi-ssid have any significance? does it need to be referenced elsewhere?

Do I need to define wpa_supplicant.conf?

How do you want anything ( a computer, a phone, HA OS) to connect to your access-point / router if it does not know the name your access point / router is broadcasting ?

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Since you have a network guru anyway, shouldn’t he/she be able to solve your WLAN issues?
As there is that saying: “Too many chefs spoil the porridge.”

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There is another saying, friends don’t let friends run HA on wifi.


It would be a lot easier to use ethernet for the first boot to get everything downloaded and get HA up. Then you can move to wifi from the UI

Of course I know that but your example has id=your-wifi-ssid and ssid = wh. At the risk of asking another dumb question why is one set to your-wifi-ssid and the other set to wh? Are they the same? (In another example the id was the same as the file name.)

I want a device that operates on wifi because apart from anything else I want to replace Vera, which operates nicely on wifi. And the router is in an area that I do not have easy access to.

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My network guru is a member of my family and I want to do this myself without asking them too many questions.

You make no sense.

Fine, if you are set on using wifi despite our warnings then go for it, but as has been said many times now, it will be a lot easier to set up Home Assistant using a wired connection initially. You can then switch to wifi using a nice and easy graphical user interface after this single initial wired boot up.