Problem installing HomeAssistant - docker - raspberry

Because my old HA was too old (including the OS) and showed several errors I decided to install everything new.
Newest OS (64 bit), I am using the sonoff zigbees stick (V3).

The first problem was that the stick was not listed under /dev/serial/by-id. This could be solved with this tip:

Second problem is configuring the network. I used this command:

docker run -d --name homeassistant -v /home/el/homeassistant/config:/config --network=host homeassistant/home-assistant

WIth this command no port 8123 was opened. Replacing “–network=host” with “-p 8123:8123” solved this problem (though I am afraid this is only a quick & dirty hack).

Third problem is that when trying to add the zigbee integration the zigbee stick is not available.
Homeassistant does only recognize the stick if the parameter “–device /dev/ttyUSB0:/dev/ttyUSB0” is added to the run command. The preferred /dev/serial/by-id/{device_name} does not help. Also no good solution if other usb devices are attached…

Nevertheless even with ttyUSB0 homeassistant does recognize the stick but is not able to connect to the stick no matter which options (hardware, software) I choose.

Thankful for any ideas,

Because you aren’t following the instructions :slight_smile:

Wrong docker repo, not privileged.

Click here Raspberry Pi - Home Assistant

privileged will give you access to /dev
network=host is required
TZ is required

Thanks for your fast answer.
Unfortunately this didn’t help (–privileged I had already tried).

docker run -d --name=“homeassistant” --privileged --restart=unless-stopped -e “TZ=Europe/Berlin” -v /home/el/homeassistant/config:/config --network=host

“netstat -an” doesn’t show port 8213, and the homeassistant web page is not reachable.
I removed contents of the config directory before starting (to avoid potential problems).
I tried to look for errors in home-assistant.log, but this file is empty.

docker logs homeassistant

Thanks, I didn’t know this command.
This is the first time I am using docker. My assumption was that it’s easier to run other services (like pihole and nextcloud) parallel.

There is nothing interesting to see except that sqlite was not cleanly shutdown. Probably because of docker stop without stopping HA.

No error messages why the port is not listening.

I got it running finally.
This is my solution (for the case others have the same problem):

I had to use a completely new image, this time I used the 32-bit-imageof Raspi OS, last time it was the 64-bit-version. I don’t know whether this solved the problem. Does anyone use the docker container with a 64-bit-version of Raspi OS?

The zonoff zigbee stick was not found unter /dev/serial/by-id. This could be solved by replacing /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/60-serial.rules with an old version as described above.

Additionally I had to install python 3.10.12, I used pyenv for managing versions.
Docker was installed as recommended.


God knows why, the docker image has its own internal version of python.