I have trouble passing brightness value to a custom built dimmer.
Here is my yaml definition:
- unique_id: kitchen_extractor_Spot
name: "Kitchen Extractor Spot"
payload_on: '{"Spot": 125 }'
payload_off: '{"Spot":0}'
state_topic: "kitchen_extractor/state"
brightness_state_topic: "kitchen_extractor/state"
command_topic: "kitchen_extractor/cmd"
brightness_command_topic: "kitchen_extractor/cmd/speed"
availability_topic: "kitchen_extractor/lwt"
state_value_template: >
{% if value_json.Spot > 9 %} {"Spot": 125 } {% else %} {"Spot":0} {% endif %}
brightness_value_template: '{{value_json.Spot}}'
brightness_command_template: '{"Spot": brightness }'
brightness_scale: 250
payload_available: "Online"
payload_not_available: "Offline"
optimistic: false
qos: 0
retain: false
Sniffing MQTT I got this message [kitchen_extractor/cmd {“Fan”: brightness ]
“brightness” instead of integer value
What do I wrong ?