I am trying to setup, Home Assistant Connect ZBT-1as a “Thread Network”
I am running Home Assistant on a Raspberry Pi in a docker container.
My HA instance is discovering the Home Assistant Connect ZBT-1.
Clicking Add, leads to “Pick Your Firmware”.
Then selecting : “Thread” returns this message :
Which Directs to this webpage : Home Assistant Connect ZBT-1
From there I can see that :
If you must reflash your ZBT-1 today, the following options are available:
- For Thread: The OpenThread Border Router add-on flashes the Thread firmware on startup. You can verify the add-on logs to see the output of the firmware check or potential firmware update.
When I go to my Home Assistant installation and “Add Integration” for " Open Thread Border Router"
I am presented with the setup seen in the image below :
But unsure what to put in here? Or how to progress from here.
Please help.
I have a sneaky suspision, the problem lies with me using a docker container and I simply cannot achieve what I want to do because of the docker container… I hope this is not the case?
There must be another way to “flash the ZBT-1 for thread firmware”?
Thank you.