Problem setting up Raspberry Pi Camera

After updating Hassio to version 0.53.0 ,I’m unable to get the image at the front end ,I’m getting: Raspberry Pi Camera (Image not available).
My configuration.yaml is :

  • platform: rpi_camera
    Ill appreciate any help

I have the same issue


  • platform: rpi_camera
    name: Office

Is there any progress with that issue?
I tried everything (latest Hassio 0.65.4), but the problem seems still to be unsolved.


That issue is still open. I am using a USB camera now

Doesn’t look like this issue was ever resolved? I just got a camera for my Raspberry Pi and I still see the Image not available message :frowning:

I am having the same issue as well.

I, too, am waiting for a resolution.

I just set up a RPi camera last week which was working perfectly in HA until I had a power cut 2 nights ago. Unfortunately I’m not home to fix it but I think I simply made some sort of mistake when trying to get Motion to start on boot so I’m hoping the lack of video stream into HA is simply Motion needing to be restarted on the RPi.

What setup are you using?

Well I have discovered that my camera is damaged therefore I was getting the error message (Image not available).

I would suggest testing the camera using raspistill command (raspistill -o cam.jpg) to check if the camera properly setup and not damaged.

I hope this helps

I there, I had the same issue. I was able to solve it by adding homeassistant user to video group, then trigger a HA restart:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo usermod -a -G video homeassistant