Problem Setting up Z-wave js UI

I set up using Z-wave js no problem. It only takes a second to negotiate and then the node is visible.
I reverted to a back up before i installed z-wave js and tried to set up z-wave js ui and it is not allowing me to add my ring keypad.

I install z-wave js ui and add my controller without an issue

I then go into nodes managers and add a node to add my keypad

It added the node

But it just stays like this

And if i try to reload the UI it hangs/cannot connect.

I have done it multiple times following instructions found online and cannot get Z-wave js UI to allow me to add a node and not stop working

It failed the interview. How far from the coordinator is it? Ping the node and re-interview… If it continues grab a debug log while you’re running the include.

Ring Keypad has a known issue fixed in driver version 11.5.1. You’ll have to wait until the add-on is updated to include that version.

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Its right next to it. About 5 ft.
Z-wave js UI hangs and will not allow me to do anything else after it starts that process. The CPU usage for the add-on shows over 50% while its hung.

I just stopped the add on and started it again. it goes back to the last state of hung and high cpu usage.

Ok thanks. Ill look at that

Is there a way to bring up a command line for the add-on (docker container) so i can edit the problem file? Its one line of code to change.

I’m using A Home Assistant Operating System Vm so im not seeing a way to access that.

If you want that kind of access, don’t use add-ons.

You can enable debugging mode in HAOS and maybe that will give you access. I believe the container is recreated every time it is restarted, so I don’t think editing the files will persist.

You could also fork the add-on repo and upgrade Z-Wave JS UI yourself.

Otherwise, you’ll just have to wait. Not even Z-Wave JS UI has a release yet that includes the fixed driver version.

Ok thanks for the info