Problem setting up Z-wave stick - new user

New user here with a successful 0.28.0 install working fine with presence detection.

Working so well that i have also updated 0.28.0 -> 0.28.1 -> 0.28.2

Install is on a Ubuntu 16.04 - 64 bit server with an installation in virtualenv

I have purchased a Aeotec Z-wave stick gen5 for use in my first HA setup. But i messed up the python-openzwave installation and setup as i originally entered

(hass)$ PYTHON_EXEC='which python3' make build - Please note the use of the single quote and NOT a back tick.

The build failed and so did the following make install with the wrong single quotes.

I am now getting the following errors

23:32:03 homeassistant.bootstrap: Error during setup of component zwave
Traceback (most recent call last):
"/srv/hass/lib/python3.5/site-packages/homeassistant/", line
 102, in _setup_component
    result = component.setup(hass, config)
 line 308, in setup
 line 76, in __init__
    libopenzwave.PyOptions.__init__(self, config_path=config_path, 
user_path=user_path, cmd_line=cmd_line)
  File "src-lib/libopenzwave/libopenzwave.pyx", line 637, in 
    raise LibZWaveException("Can't find config directory %s" % 
libopenzwave.LibZWaveException: "LibOpenZwave Generic Exception : Can't 
find config directory /usr/local/share/python-openzwave/config"

Now my question is:-

Is this an easy fix?
Or would i be better to remove my failed python-openzwave install and start again (if so how do i remove my python-openzwave installation)
Or remove my entire virtualev and start again from scratch (after having copied out my current configuration.yaml and knowndevices.yaml files?


Your setup is exactly similar to mine and I am just a few steps ahead of you in the game.
I have installed the HA including the Z-wave stick, have a door sensor and a multisensor all setup.

You don’t need to remove anything since you haven’t successfully built the zwave nor installed it.
You can rerun the proper commands, preferably copy and paste from the page.

I have used the information at
This is how my configuration looks

usb_path: /dev/zwave
config_path: /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/libopenzwave-0.3.1-py3.5-linux-x86_64.egg/config/
polling_interval: 60000

Hope this helps

The error says that it can’t find your zwave config path.

Ahh, i forgot to mention in my first post that i had rerun the correct commands (after pasting them in this time). The errors above are were i am with after running the correct commands.

I have checked and i don’t have a /usr/local/share/python-openzwave/ folder let alone the config sub folder.

I am beginning to think that it might be best to remove the botched python-openzwave install and start again. Would it be as easy as deleting /srv/hass/src?

OK, so i have made some progress. I now have the zwave stick being recognised in HA. I have also got a MultiSensor 6 setup and being recognised.

But in order to get this working i had to comment out my zwave config path in configuration.yaml

Now i based my configuration.yaml settings on those taken from the HA website

Configuration Example configuration.yaml entry
usb_path: /dev/ttyUSB0
config_path: /usr/local/share/python-openzwave/config
polling_interval: 60000
polling_intensity: 1

So my question is do i need to create a default config file and place it at /usr/local/share/python-openzwave/config or do i need to edit my configuration.yaml file to point to the correct location that the default config file resides?

I’m having the same problem as you. What did you do to fix it?
Where/who did you run the commands as?
Did you just wipe everything out and start over?

Never did get OZWCP working in the end. Gave up and used the zwaver plugin for Google Chrome. Did what i needed it to, for me it JFW’d :).