I have a weird issue with triggering a scene.
Recently I bought a few new Zigbee GU10 bulbs, nothing special and simulair to the other Zigbee bulbs I have arount the house.
In my HA I have configured scenes that I trigger with buttons on my Dashboard. Only the scenes regarding those new lights in the kitchen are not responding the same way all of the other lights in the house respond.
It seems that when I press the button that toggles the scene, it toggles the right scene but with the wrong intensity. Every time when I press the button it seems like it adds 10% of intensity. What means to turn on my Scene I end up pressing the button for about 8/10 times…
The ‘off’ scene triggers as expected and works right away.
Yes that is brightness is correct. There is no automation going on. It is a button card in my dashboard what triggers the scene. It literary only does scene.turn_on on the scene.
So, you just push a button that calls the scene.turn_on service? It makes no sense that it would affect your brightness levels.
The only thing I can think of would be to delete the kitchen scene and recreate it (even dropping down to yaml code if you have to). I have 116 scenes and I have never seen an issue like this. But, I did notice in your yaml that there’s a lot defined light.keuken_plafondspot: that might not need to be there (min_color_temp_kelvin, etc). Typically when I build a scene, I remove all the cruft except for the stuff that is actually changing.
Very strange… ok, let’s try something here. Can you create this scene and see what happens? Save it into your scenes.yaml directly and then reload your scenes from Developer Tools > Yaml and click on the Scenes button near the bottom of the page. Then in Developer Tools > Services, choose the scene.turn_on and see what happens.