Problem trying to install HACS

New user learning the ropes. Have tried installing HACS in HAOS, everything seems to go as expected according to, but end up with this:

After the detour to github, the “Congratulations, you’re all set!” and clicking “Finish” back in HA, seems like all is well, However, it does not appear as I see it in others’ installation (no icon in the sidebar, plus only see as shown in the screenshot above - clicking it takes me to an info page, nothing further).

I’ve searched the forum, found nothing applicable. What am I doing wrong?

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The icon in the sidebar does disappear from time to time - no idea why. You can click on the space where it would have been to open HACS.

Since you are apparently filtering by downloaded, and you haven’t downloaded anything yet apart from HACS itself, your list will be empty.

Hmmm, didnt fully understand “Filtering by Downloaded.” Cleared it, things look better now


Thanks for the replies. Still does not “look right” when compared to pics by others in their tutorials. . .
I don’t see I"ntegrations, Frontend, Add-ons, About" as seen in most examples online

Mine looks like a list, with filtering options for Integration, Template, Lovelace, Theme:

Am I close? Again, what do I need to change?

Looks like you have “experimental features” enabled, which means you’re seeing what will eventually become HACS 2.0 (don’t know what the timescale for this is).

You can try unticking the appropriate box in the HACS configuration, but I turned on experimental features a while ago, just out of curiosity, and I’ve never been able to get rid of them since. They work pretty well and they’re more consistent with the rest of HA, but as you say other people’s examples you see online don’t match up.

It should match pretty well with the documentation found here

I am here to hijack the thread :slight_smile: i have enabled experimental feature on my supervised installation running on top of pi 4b 8gb and home assistant process has been killed multiple times because of out of memory error. Went back to disabled settings and all is running fine now.

You have to go to /Settings/device-services, and click on HACS, click configure, make sure i.e “experimental features” is unchecked, click submit, and restart .(it should work)

if it does’t work, click HACS (in side panel), filter integrations and choose HACS, Click “Redownload” (in 3 dots) , choose an older version ( i.e 1.32.0), and then repeat above, and restart
(PS: After this it’s safe to click update HACS, as you “immediately” will get an “update notification” for HACS 1.33.0 )

Thou you might aswell get use to the New Layout ( currently experimental layout ), … so your xmas wont get affected by the fact, It will Change in a near future update. ( as i understoud )

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Hi, I had exactly the same problem. I turned off all the options under ‘configure’, and then redownloaded. After restarting HA the screens look like the screen shot. (Now I can’t find the one I was looking for, but that is another issue).