Problem when discovering an emulated roku

I run HA on (this is a container) and my WiFi is on To this WiFi is connected a Harmony Hub.

Following the advice from @Bobby_Nobble and the writeup by @chubby92, I wanted to set up an emulated roku which would be configured on the Harmony Hub.

I believe that the Harmony Hub is scanning the network it is on looking for open 8060 ports so I set up a socat proxy on a device which is on the WiFi network ( to bridge it with the HA container.

[email protected] ~# socat TCP4-LISTEN:8060 TCP4:

This works fine (from any machine on the network):

root@srv ~# curl
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<root xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0">

I therefore expected the Harmony Hub to now detect the emulated roku but I get an error:

It says that Roku Roku 1 is not discoverable (or found, it depends on the context of the translation). It suggest to check that both devices are on the same WiFi (they are - indirectly) and proposes to either search again or ignore the IP analysis. Ignoring it adds the device but I have serious doubts it will work - I would like to be sure this is the expected outcome before digging in further.

UPDATE: yes, it does not seem to work. I listen to the HA events bus (by listening on all events in AppDaemon) and I do not see anything when choosing “Roku 1” on the Harmony remote, and trying to send something (say, Page Up, which is one of the first ones available)

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I know this is super old, but did you ever get the roku device to be discovered in the harmony app?

I cannot remember what I used the Roku for (I do not have such a device so it must have been an emulation but I have no idea what this was for).

This said, I now use HA bridged to the host NIC (see Host network driver | Docker Docs) which makes more sense with HA as it allows seamless discovery of services/devices.

Sorry for not being more helpful with Roku - no matter how hard I try to recall what this was for I simply have no idea (it must have been some hack at the time).

EDIT - ah now that I read my own question more carefully, it may have been an attempt to control HA from the Harmony Hub. Which BTW is a neat idea and I will get back to that tonight :slight_smile:

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