Problem with Add-on Repository

I’m a newb with only about 2 weeks of HA experience under my belt so I’m probably doing (or did) something wrong. I was going to try to add the Cloudfare add-on so I went to Settings->Add-ons->Add-on Store. I clicked the 3 dots, then clicked Repositories. The box appeared where I’d normally add the link to the repository. However, this time Music Assistant was already showing above the blank entry field (see screenshot). I never added Music Assistant–never even heard of it. I have successfully added repositories in the past and never encountered this. When I try to delete it, it says I can’t remove a built-in repository. When I try to add the link to the Cloudfare repository and click Add nothing happens. I can’t figure out how MA got there nor how to make it go away. Appreciate any help.

music assistant is new and part of the core and can’t be removed at this time. i don’t think that has anything to do with your cloudflare issue.

what’s the url that you’re ussing for cloudflare. i think it should be this:

if you try to add that, what error are you getting?

Agreed. I didn’t mean to suggest that there was any kind of Cloudfare issue. That’s just what I was wanting to add when I encountered this problem. The url you provided is the one I wanted to add. When I enter it and click Add, nothing at all happens–no error or anything.

BTW, I tried restarting HA twice but no change in behavior.

I just tried to add the repository that it’s showing for Music Assistant–see screenshot. So, I’m stuck. I can’t clear it and it won’t let me add anything else.
Screenshot 2024-06-25 163018

Well, I kept trying and after 3 restarts of the HA server, the problem went away as mysteriously as it appeared. Oh well…