Problem with Automation (Turn Lights on when Coming home at night)


I have an automation that worked fine in the past but lately, it started acting weird.
I would have the living room lights turn on when I get home as long as it was after dusk.

But lately, I will be at home already at dusk and the light will turn on. Not sure why it is doing that.
I have searched the forums but have not found a post that is relevant.
Thank you for any info.

 - id: '1555029123342'
  alias: Arrive home at night
  - entity_id:
    event: enter
    platform: zone
    zone: zone.home
  - after: sunset
    condition: sun
  - alias: ''
      entity_id: light.living_room_lights
    service: light.turn_on

check to see if you “” is going away from and then re-entering the “zone.home”.

That’s the only cause it could be.

@finity thanks. For some reason my iPhone that I have next to me is going outside my home zone. Now to figure why it is doing that.