Problem with button card, template and variables

Hi, i have a problem with variables in button card.

So, i want to take the temperature of climate entity (passed with variables) and increase by 0.5 degrees.
This is for button minus and plus in a thermostat card.

But, i receive this error: undefined is not an object (evaluating variables.entity.attributes.temperature)

This is my code:

              type: "custom:button-card"
              template: widget_icon
                action: call-service
                service: climate.set_temperature
                  temperature: " [[[ return (variables.entity.attributes.temperature + 0.5) ]]]"
                  entity_id: "[[[ return variables.entity ]]]"
              icon: "mdi:plus"

You don’t actually need to use variables here, just grab the attributes directly from your entity.

From inside a JS template, you can access the parent entity's state using entity.state and its attributes with entity.attributes.<attribute_id>.

Try this:

  type: custom:button-card
  template: widget_icon
    action: call-service
    service: climate.set_temperature
      temperature: '[[[ return (entity.attributes.temperature + 0.5); ]]]'
      entity_id: '[[[ return entity.entity_id; ]]]'
  icon: mdi:plus

You’ll also need to specify an entity: for your card, unless it’s already included in the widget_icon template you’re importing.

I want to create a template to which I pass variables. It works well except for this kind of code.

The call of the template

type: 'custom:button-card'
template: tuiles-pieces
    var_icone: 'ios:sofa#fullcolor'
    var_nom_piece: 'Salon'
    var_path: 'sous-vue-piece-salon'
    var_etat_thermostat: 'sensor.ajout_etat_thermostat_salon'
    var_temperature: 'sensor.ajout_sensor_temperature_salon' 
    var_humidite: 'sensor.ajout_sensor_humidite_salon'
    var_lumiere_lampes: ''
    var_lumiere_lampes_icone: 'mdi:lamps'

In the template

    ent01: |
        return `<ha-icon
          icon="[[[ variables.var_lumiere_lampes_icone ]]]"

Ne fonctionne pas???? 

Can you tell me how to do it?