Problem with Caddy config - vhosts array

Here is my current config that used to work:

  "homeassistant": "",
  "vhosts": [
      "vhost": "",
      "port": "1880"
      "vhost": "",
      "port": "5051"
      "vhost": "",
      "port": "3218"
      "vhost": "",
      "port": "3000"
  "raw_config": [],
  "email": "[email protected]"

Now the addon will not start (not sure if it was due to an update to either hassio or caddy) unless I remove all of the vhost entries. Doing so, I can access the HA frontend outside my local network but I would really like to at least access node red as well from outside.

Any time I try to add any of the vhost entries, the addon gives me this error and will not let me start the addon:
not a valid value for dictionary value @ data['options']
I think there must have been an update that altered the format for the vhost entries but I cannot figure it out. I have also tried cutting/pasting other examples I have found in the forums here and they produce the same error. This is the only config that will let me start the addon so far:

  "homeassistant": "",
  "vhosts": [],
  "raw_config": [],
  "email": "[email protected]"

Anyone else experiencing this?

You posted this in - are you using the Korylprince Caddy addon?
My caddy file looks NOTHING like what you posted. Or is that the addon config?

My caddy file starts like this: {
    header / {
    Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains"
    X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block"
    X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff"
    X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN"
    Referrer-Policy "same-origin"
    proxy / localhost:8123 {
} {
    proxy / localhost:7681 {

my addon config is:

  "flags": [

I am using the Caddy Proxy Addon by bestlibre.
so, my issue is just with the config file that you populate within the Hassio addon settings.

Thanks, I just switched over to the korylprince version and everything seems to be working!

Edit: I used your tutorial as well!

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Good to hear Geoff. Weird that the original addon you were using stopped working though. Glad you found my tutorial useful.

Hi there,

I am also using the bestlibre caddy addon (, however I’ve just updated the addon and there appears to be a breaking change. Can anyone please provide an example of what a properly-formatted vhosts entry would look like? I’ve read the docs but I’m not making any progress… many thanks

Ok so I finally figured it out. When moving to the latest version of the bestlibre caddy addon you need to add “paths”: [] to each vhost or the config is invalid.

So an example entry now looks like this:

  "vhost": "",
  "remote": "",
  "port": "8080",
  "paths": []

Was just about to mention this. I don’t have mine set up currently, but a friend ran into the same issue and adding paths: [] was what I suggested. He ended up just deleting the vhost, so I never got confirmation if it would actually fix it. Good to know it does.