Problem with caldav events - don't work as condition states - what's wrong?

I’m new to hass. My installation integrates 27 Shellys, a bunch of internet-entities via unifi network and fritzboxtools.

My last integration was my nextcloud caldav-Server. But I have problems with events of calendars of this integration.

My Integration of the homassistant user in NextCloud looks like:

# Example configuration.yaml entry for nextcloud, calendars will be found automatically
# Konfiguration CalDAV-Zugriff auf NextCloud-Instanz ohne SSL, lokaler Name
  - platform: caldav
    username: !secret nextcloud_ha_username
    password: !secret nextcloud_ha_password

I can see my calendars in the entity-comboboxes and in the Kalendar plugin (picture removed - only one media allowed)

The calendars are named: calendar.ha_ferien_thomas_merkle and calendar.ha_urlaub_thomas_merkle

I created a “Test Kalender”-Automation to see if the condition fires:

alias: Test Kalender
description: ""
  - platform: time
    at: "14:35:00"
  - condition: state
    entity_id: calendar.ha_ferien_thomas_merkle
    state: "on"
  - condition: state
    entity_id: calendar.ha_urlaub_thomas_merkle
    state: "on"
    enabled: false
  - type: toggle
    device_id: 9f843320835dd86d4183c6722c5fa2ec
    entity_id: light.17_li_switch_1
    domain: light
mode: single

I tested it in the visual editor an with condition state “on” - it evaluates to false, see pictures:
(first picture removed)

I tried first repeating events and then an event only that day.

Something is wrong with my automation - but I can’t figure it out. I read many examples - so I was able to configure caldav correctly, but the caldav-condition is a hidden book for me :slight_smile:

Any help appreciated! If anything is missing, I post it afterwards.

thanx togme

Thanx for the help.
I added a whole day event today:

and the as you see, after reload, the event is loaded.
But in DevTools the state is off

Is this faulty off-state the problem?


the picture of the state in DevTools:

I do not understand why the flyout of the event shows 4 days ago?


I tested the google calendar integration - it works.
But I don’t want to set my holidays on google calendar.

Any tipps for the caldav integration?