Problem with Conbee II stick on Ubuntu (VMware)

Hi everybody,

I’m a total newbee to Home assistant but I think it’s an absolutely awesome product.

I just ran into trouble with two USB sticks (ConBee II + EnOcean) on my installation.
The Conbee was found and working before I added the EnOcean stick to the VMware.
The hardware page shows both sticks


but the Deconz Addin logs this
FATAL: No device /dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_elektronik_ingenieurtechnik_GmbH_ConBee_II_DE2121450-if00 found!

Any help highly appreciated and again, newbee :slight_smile:

Thanks upfront


Just one wrong character in the configuration.yaml :upside_down_face: made everything a big mess

I’m running hass io on Vmware but I can’t get CooBee II working could you help me?