Problem with creating entry?

Hello Everybody, i am currently working on a home integration with my pv devices. I have created a configure button. So when going to settings > Devices > myPV i see a list of my myPV devices. and there is a configure button where i can add and remove sensors from a drop down list. the problem is that the device isn’t updated. so when adding 3 more sensors, it still displays the 2 sensors from DEFAULT_MONITORED_CONDITIONS. The MypvOptionsFlowHandler is for the sensor konfiguration. can some one help?



**import logging**
**import voluptuous as vol**
**import requests**
**from requests.exceptions import HTTPError, ConnectTimeout, RequestException**

**from homeassistant import config_entries**
**import homeassistant.helpers.config_validation as cv**

**from homeassistant.const import (**
**    CONF_HOST,**
**from homeassistant.core import HomeAssistant, callback**

**from .const import DOMAIN, SENSOR_TYPES**

**_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)**


**    "power1_solar",**
**    "temp1"**

**def mypv_entries(hass: HomeAssistant):**
**    """Return the hosts for the domain."""**
**    return set(**
**        ([CONF_HOST]) for entry in hass.config_entries.async_entries(DOMAIN)**
**    )**

**class MypvConfigFlow(config_entries.ConfigFlow, domain=DOMAIN):**
**    """Mypv config flow."""**

**    VERSION = 1**

**    def __init__(self) -> None:**
**        """Initialize the config flow."""**
**        self._errors = {}**
**        self._info = {}**
**        self._host = None**
**        self._filtered_sensor_types = {}**

**    def _host_in_configuration_exists(self, host) -> bool:**
**        """Return True if host exists in configuration."""**
**        return host in mypv_entries(self.hass)**

**    def _check_host(self, host) -> bool:**
**        """Check if we can connect to the mypv."""**
**        try:**
**            response = requests.get(f"http://{host}/mypv_dev.jsn", timeout=10)**
**            response.raise_for_status()**
**            self._info = response.json()**
**        except (ConnectTimeout, HTTPError) as e:**
**            self._errors[CONF_HOST] = "could_not_connect"**
**            _LOGGER.error(f"Connection error: {e}")**
**            return False**
**        except RequestException as e:**
**            self._errors[CONF_HOST] = "unexpected_error"**
**            _LOGGER.error(f"Unexpected error: {e}")**
**            return False**
**        return True**

**    def _get_sensors(self, host):**
**        """Fetch sensor data and update _filtered_sensor_types."""**
**        try:**
**            response = requests.get(f"http://{host}/data.jsn", timeout=10)**
**            response.raise_for_status()**
**            data = response.json()**
**            json_keys = set(data.keys())**
**            self._filtered_sensor_types = {}**

**            for key, value in SENSOR_TYPES.items():**
**                if key in json_keys:**
**                    self._filtered_sensor_types[key] = value[0]**

**            if not self._filtered_sensor_types:**
**                _LOGGER.warning("No matching sensors found on the device.")**
**        except RequestException as e:**
**            _LOGGER.error(f"Error fetching sensor data: {e}")**
**            self._filtered_sensor_types = {}**

**    async def async_step_user(self, user_input=None):**
**        """Handle the initial step."""**
**        if user_input is not None:**
**            self._host = user_input[CONF_HOST]**
**            if self._host_in_configuration_exists(self._host):**
**                self._errors[CONF_HOST] = "host_exists"**
**            else:**
**                can_connect = await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(**
**                    self._check_host, self._host**
**                )**
**                if can_connect:**
**                    await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self._get_sensors, self._host)**
**                    return await self.async_step_sensors()**
**        **
**        user_input = user_input or {CONF_HOST: ""}**

**        setup_schema = vol.Schema(**
**            {vol.Required(CONF_HOST, default=user_input[CONF_HOST]): str}**
**        )**

**        return self.async_show_form(**
**            step_id="user", data_schema=setup_schema, errors=self._errors**
**        )**

**    async def async_step_sensors(self, user_input=None):**
**        """Handle the sensor selection step."""**
**        if user_input is not None:**
**            self._info['device'] = user_input.get('device', self._info.get('device'))**
**            self._info['number'] = user_input.get('number', self._info.get('number'))**
**            return self.async_create_entry(**
**                title=f"{self._info['device']} - {self._info['number']}",**
**                data={**
**                    CONF_HOST: self._host,**
**                    '_filtered_sensor_types': self._filtered_sensor_types,**
**                },**
**            )**

**        default_monitored_conditions = (**
**            [] if self._async_current_entries() else DEFAULT_MONITORED_CONDITIONS**
**        )**

**        setup_schema = vol.Schema(**
**            {**
**                vol.Required(**
**                    CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS, default=default_monitored_conditions**
**                ): cv.multi_select(self._filtered_sensor_types),**
**            }**
**        )**

**        return self.async_show_form(**
**            step_id="sensors", data_schema=setup_schema, errors=self._errors**
**        )**

**    async def async_step_import(self, user_input=None):**
**        """Import a config entry."""**
**        if self._host_in_configuration_exists(user_input[CONF_HOST]):**
**            return self.async_abort(reason="host_exists")**
**        self._host = user_input[CONF_HOST]**
**        await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self._check_host, self._host)**
**        await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self._get_sensors, self._host)**
**        return await self.async_step_sensors(user_input)**

**    @staticmethod**
**    @callback**
**    def async_get_options_flow(config_entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry) -> config_entries.OptionsFlow:**
**        return MypvOptionsFlowHandler(config_entry)**

**class MypvOptionsFlowHandler(config_entries.OptionsFlow):**
**    """Handles options flow"""**

**    def __init__(self, config_entry: config_entries.ConfigEntry) -> None:**
**        """Initialize options flow."""**
**        self.config_entry = config_entry**
**        self.filtered_sensor_types ='_filtered_sensor_types', {})**

**    async def async_step_init(self, user_input=None):**
**        """Manage the options."""**
**        if user_input is not None:**
**            return self.async_create_entry(**
**                title="",**
**                data={**
**                },**
**            )**
**    **
**        options_schema = vol.Schema(**
**            {**
**                vol.Required(**
**                    CONF_MONITORED_CONDITIONS,**
**                    default=self.config_entry.options.get(**
**                    ),**
**                ): cv.multi_select(self.filtered_sensor_types),**
**            }**
**        )**

**        return self.async_show_form(step_id="init", data_schema=options_schema)**