Hi people yesterday I first time tried hassio and I made automation to send me my room temperature on discord every 20 minutes while the temperature in the room is more than 25 and below 40. But it’s not working. Could somebody help me?
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.moja_izba
above: 25
below: 40
- platform: time
minutes: '/20'
seconds: 00
service: notify.notify
message: "In the Mark's room is {{ states.sensor.moja_izba.state }} degrees of C"
target" "343399434945822720"
I found one error and that was in target" “343399434945822720” i forgot made mistake here i replaced it with target: “343399434945822720” but it is not working either
Ok so the problem was with this statement message: “In the Mark’s is {{ sensor.moja_izba.state }} degrees C” I’ve tried manually send this text to discord nothing happend When I removed this {{ sensor.moja_izba.state }} the message did send sucessfully. So I’ve replaced it with {{states.sensor.moja_izba.state}} and now it is working. My current automation is this: