Problem with editing a existing blueprint


Maybe someone can help me, i edited a blueprint to use a external temperature sensor.

Here is the snippet where a problem appear, no error message, it it is just not working.
The problem is in the “or:” section:

  - '{{is_state(climate,''off'')}}'
  - condition: time
    after: !input start_time
    before: !input stop_time
  - '{{ states(presence_home) == ''home'' or presence_home == ''group.presence_home_disabled''}}'
  - or:
    - "{{ ( == 'climate_on' or == 'window' or ( == 'presence_home' and trigger.to_state.state == 'home')) and season == 'Winter' and (states('sensor.wohnzimmer_umweltsensor_temperature')|float(0) < target_temperature_start|float(0) )}}"
    - "{{ ( == 'climate_on' or == 'window' or ( == 'presence_home' and trigger.to_state.state == 'home')) and season == 'Summer' and (states('sensor.wohnzimmer_umweltsensor_temperature')|float(0) > target_temperature_start|float(0) )}}"

Those 2 statements are virtually identical.
Perhaps use one statement and instead of the < and > that are the only difference, try !=.
Then I would plug this template into the developer tools - template tab and adjust things until you get what you want.

The problem is the none of them are working.
So they are correct?

Will try what you told.

No it’s also not working.

And already used the dev tools and that should work.

Maybe someone can help me.

Ok the problems aren’t coming from my code, so please forget it.
It’s the existing code where the problems belongs.