I have a problem with executing “net rpc shutdown -r -f -I 192.168.X.XX -U user%password” command from Hass.io. I tried to execute command from “pi” user and it works. My yaml configuration is below. No errors from check config Hass.io What I`m doing wrong? Thank you in advance for advice.
What did you install on your Pi? Hassio or Hassbian or Home Assistant on Raspbian?
Hassio does not have a pi user and when you SSH in to the add-on, you are SSHing into a different container than what home assistant is running. If you SSH into 22222 on the host, there is nothing related directly to home assistant there.
I wrote it in my first post When I am connected as “pi” user from WinSCP the command works. But from Hass.io the same command in my shell script doesn`t work. So my question is: What I have to do for working command
Yes, I have installed samba packages and Samba add-on too. Shell_script(s) it’s just a mistake, everywhere I have shell_script syntaxis. And It’s still doesn’t work. I fixed it before I posted my configuration scripts.