Problem with friendly name and name customization

Hi all,
I added these zones in my config file:

  - name: Cappuccini
    latitude: _hidden_
    longitude: _hidden_
    radius: 50
    icon: mdi:basketball

  - work: Lavoro Emilia
    friendly_name: Lavoro Emilia
    latitude: _hidden_
    longitude: _hidden_
    radius: 50
    icon: mdi:hospital-building

  - work: Scuola
    latitude: _hidden_
    longitude: _hidden_
    radius: 50
    icon: mdi:chair-school

  - name: palaVirtus
    latitude: _hidden_
    longitude: _hidden_
    radius: 50
    icon: mdi:basketball

  - name: Groovyland
    latitude: _hidden_
    longitude: _hidden_
    radius: 50
    icon: mdi:music-circle

  - name: El Duende
    latitude: _hidden_
    longitude: _hidden_
    radius: 50
    icon: mdi:walk

but for “Scuola” and “Lavoro Emilia” HA set unnamed_zone and for “Lavoro Emilia” even if friendly_name is set both in config and customize files in the HA UI there is Unknown zone

Same situation for a device_tracker in a graph, even if i set a friendly name I have in the graph the name chosen by HA.

HA version is 0.81.6

you have gone to the trouble of hiding your lat and long in your config but have posted them in your screen shot maybe remove and sanitize if you want to protect those.

You’re right, thank you

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can you format your code by using the syntax highlighting as shown at the top of the page

For both zones you mention that don’t work as expected, your configuration has no name property, it looks you accidentally replaced the property ‘name’ with ‘work’?

Wow, you’re right! Maybe some copy and paste and I did this dummy error…
Thank you very much