Problem with google_traffic_time polling too often


#- platform: google_travel_time
#  name: Zeit nach Hause
#  api_key: !secret google_travel_time_api_key
#  origin: !secret google_travel_time_work
#  destination: !secret google_travel_time_home
#  scan_interval: 600

#- platform: google_travel_time
#  name: Zeit ins Buero
#  api_key: !secret google_travel_time_api_key
#  origin: !secret google_travel_time_home
#  destination: !secret google_travel_time_work
#  scan_interval: 600

Got those two sensors, and because Google started charging for using the API, I set the “scan_interval to 600”, thinking that this would mean polling every 10min.
But it’s still polling thound times a day, and now my $300 free polling are used up after 3 days. :frowning:

Is my syntax wrong? The # is there, because I deactivated the sensor now.

That should work. Are you sure you restarted HA after adding scan_interval?

Yes. Several times. And the number grew quite fast (checked on Google’s API page)