Problem with installing HACS

I cannot get HACS to install via Github- what am I doing wrong?

you are not reading/copying the instructions correctly

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Please pay attention to the instructions

it is cd /config, not cd / config, and an enter after that

it is wget -O - https://gat | bash - and not w get


still wrong

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Thanks- Have tried, but now get this:

I am sorry for being direct but do you read what you are typing/copying?
Look at (e.g.) my screenshot…it is GET not GAT

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Thank you!

Getting there, so what option do I now select?

You are still not typing what is shown . There is a space between - and https

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All now sorted. Thank you for bearing with me!!!

Let me translate, that may help you: command line in linux is made up of tokens separated by spaces

wget is a web downloader
-O is an option to wget, it sets where the download output goes
- is a shortcut for std output (don't worry too much, it is an imaginary but helpful pipe to put stuff is the place on the web that you are telling wget to get
| is a pipe command, take the output of the stuff on the left into the command on the right
bash is the command that executes a script
- this time is stdin, or the other end of the pipe

So that one line asks wget to download something from the website and then treat it as a script which bash runs.

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That is spot on, thanks for your assistance.