Problem with inverting pins in Deep Sleep


I am making a weather dashboard from a Lilygo T5. Everything works as it should but I am unable to wake the device with the buttons from Deep Sleep.

Using wake_pin on a single button works perfectly fine, but it doesn’t work at all when I try to use esp32_ext1_wakeup. The reason is that I need to use “inverted” and can’t get it to work at all with esp32_ext1_wakeup. Note that I will also need to use “mode: ANY_HIGH” to distinguish the buttons.

Below you see two different examples that I have tested and unfortunately none of them work. When running these codes the pins are still on HIGH.

Is there any solution to this? Or have I just missed something?

  run_duration: ${run_time} 
  sleep_duration: ${sleep_time}
  id: deep_sleep_1
  wakeup_pin_mode: INVERT_WAKEUP
      - 35
      - 34
      - 39
    mode: ANY_HIGH
  run_duration: ${run_time} 
  sleep_duration: ${sleep_time}
  id: deep_sleep_1
      - number: GPIO35
        inverted: true
      - number: GPIO34
        inverted: true
      - number: GPIO39
        inverted: true
    mode: ANY_HIGH

What do you mean they are still “on High” also, post the all of your config. The problem may have nothing to do with the rest of the yaml but, no one looking at this kmows that. Its really frustrating when someone wants help and then decides what information is relevant to those who might help.

How are you interfacing with the wake up gpio pins? A button? A sensor?

How is that configured? Is it floating? Pulled High or pulled Low?. You left out half of the equation here