Problem with KNX Climate


I’m new here and also beginner with Home Assistant ( Version 0.84.6).
However, I program KNX professionally for about 11 years.

I have a problem with KNX Climate:

I set everything up as shown here (

Now I can not adjust the target temperature via the WebUI.

Apple Homekit looks better, but it will be sent the target temperature to the reading group address
and not to the additional writing group address which is responsible for adjusting the target temperature.

The integration in the Google Assistant is also wrong. Here only the current temperature is displayed
and you can not set the target temperature at all.

Now my question:

Are these still all bugs or have I set anything wrong?

Here is my entry in the “configuration.yaml” and the group addresses from the ETS5


  - platform: knx
temperature_address: '1/4/0'
setpoint_shift_address: '1/4/2'
setpoint_shift_state_address: '1/4/2'
target_temperature_address: '1/4/1'
operation_mode_state_address: '1/4/4'
operation_mode_address: '1/4/3'
  - "Frost Protection"
  - "Night"
  - "Standby"
  - "Comfort"


Same problem here. My configuration is via direct target temperature setting. It’s working fine on Hass but not working at all in Google Home.

Appart from that, I’m a noob too but I think you have a configuration misunderstanding (or is it me?).
Your installation seems to be direct setting like mine. Setpoint shift one is supposed to send steps to rise/lower the temperature as far as I understand it (ie: add 2 steps of 0.5º to current target temp).

According to the Hass KNX climate page:

If your device doesn’t support setpoint_shift calculations (i.e. if you don’t provide a setpoint_shift_address value) please set the min_temp and max_temp attributes of the climate device to avoid issues with increasing the temperature in the frontend.

So this is how I would do it:

 - platform: knx
   name: XXXXXXXX
   temperature_address: '1/4/0'
   target_temperature_address: '1/4/2'
   operation_mode_state_address: '1/4/4'
   operation_mode_address: '1/4/3'
     - "Frost Protection"
     - "Night"
     - "Standby"
     - "Comfort"
   min_temp: 15
   max_temp: 30

So… where does “state target temperature” go? I don’t know. I just run an automation on startup to read state target temperature (which I keep in a sensor) and then update the component’s target temperature. This is the way it worked for me.

Please someone correct me if I am wrong so that I can fix my config too :slight_smile:

Many thanks for the answer.

I will try your suggestion!

Hi there,

Just in case someone is struggling with a Feller (Schneider) thermostat and a Hager Heating actuator, I’m using the following configuration to get it controlled with HA:

- name: "Room 1"
      temperature_address: "1/2/1"
      target_temperature_address: "1/2/2"
      target_temperature_state_address: "1/2/3"
      operation_mode_address: "1/2/4"
      operation_mode_state_address: "1/2/5"
      temperature_step: 0.5
      min_temp: 17
      max_temp: 25

many thanks to @farmio for the knx integration, nice work!