Problem with Kodi media player

Hello Everyone,
on start i would like to apologize for my English.
I have a problem with my automation in combination with Kodi.
I have an htpc with kodi.
I’ve seen media.player.kodi change state regularly.(from idle to play ecc…)

but my automation doesn’t start.
someone know the why?

the scripts if i run manually work it


my hassio’s version is 0.93.2

Please post the text of your automations and not a damned picture.


  • id: ‘1550437796989’
    alias: da idle a play
    • entity_id: media_player.kodi
      from: idle
      platform: state
      to: playing
      condition: []
    • service: script.1549918045565
    • data: {}
      service: script.1549918045566
    • data: {}
      service: script.1549918045567
    • data: {}
      service: script.1549918045568
  • id: ‘1550437871682’
    alias: da play a pausa
    • entity_id: media_player.kodi
      from: playing
      platform: state
      to: paused
      condition: []
    • service: script.1549918535038
    • data: {}
      service: script.1549918535039
    • data: {}
      service: script.1549918535040
  • id: ‘1550437950237’
    alias: da pausa a play
    • entity_id: media_player.kodi
      from: paused
      platform: state
      to: playing
      condition: []
    • service: script.1549918045565
    • data: {}
      service: script.1549918045566
    • data: {}
      service: script.1549918045567
    • data: {}
      service: script.1549918045568
  • id: ‘1550438008693’
    alias: da play a idle
    • entity_id: media_player.kodi
      from: playing
      platform: state
      to: idle
      condition: []
    • service: script.1549918535038
    • data: {}
      service: script.1549918535039
    • data: {}
      service: script.1549918535040

I wouldn’t specify both to and from in the trigger. Just ‘to: playing’ will probably suffice. Depending on your use case of course.

I don’t understand the motivation for why these automations have worked until recently.
I specify “to” and “from” to differentiate the initial state of media_player

Okay the basics then :slight_smile: Is the automation enabled in the front end?

Oh my god! i’ve seen now the automation in the front end is disabled! i’m so stupid! thanks a lot:)

Not stupid, happens to a lot of people. Glad you are up and running.