Problem with LCS 20x4 via pcf8574


I am trying to get my LCD20x4 working. I got error messages like:

  • [component:233]|Components should block for at most 30 ms.|
    *[component:232]|Component display took a long time for an operation (492 ms).|

The code is below:

  sda: GPIO21
  scl: GPIO22

  - platform: lcd_pcf8574
    dimensions: 20x4
    address: 0x27
    id: lcd
    update_interval: 3s
    lambda: |-
      it.print("Regel 2");
      it.print("Regel 3");
      it.print("Regel 4");

What do I do wrong?

Thanks in advance

Apparently it’s just a warning that can be ignored. I get the same thing on my SSD1306 displays and… everything works fine. Have seen some post saying just ignore that component took a long time message. It’s a false positive.