Problem with Lovelace cards not displaying relations between entities after last update

Last update 0.106.2
If I go to related items on the cards I see only a blank window, while if I go on config/entities I can see all relations, I upgraded yesterday from 0.105.xx, which was my first install.
May this be a bug occurred on my personal installation process?
Thanks for any suggestions.
(i’m a newbie on HA)

I had the same issue. Check your Lovelace custom cards.
For me it was:

HI! thanks for suggestion, but i think i am not understanding what the issue may be :frowning:
i think i have no custom cards, as long as any card edited is a custom one, but each card as you can see is not showing me its related items as before my first update :frowning:

i am posting some images , the lovelace ui in its whole splendor, and one of the cards and its blank related items box

i think using related items is a very good way to work on cards and managing automations related to entities they’re related to. I feel like a child robbed of his christmas present :smiley:

sorry but coronavirus here in italy is giving me a lot of time to play with my new toy :slight_smile:

Schermata 2020-03-11 alle 02.56.07

P.S. I upgraded after every new release, everything seems to work fine, except the related items tab