Problem with Midea AC LAN: Doesn't able to add a "customize setting" for my appliance (Heat Pump Wi-Fi Controller)

Hi to everyone,
I’m asking some help with this problem. I’m using the integration Midea AC Lan that is the only one that works really well with the Midea ecosystem.
I own some appliances in my house (3 aircon and 1 heat pump). The last one is a heat pump from Clivet’s brand, the Sphera EVO, that i could manage on MSmartHome cloud (as well as the other devices).
At the moment, i have the heatpump added as a device on my HA, with the possibility to control it correctly and immediately. But i missing a function that is really useful for me, the “Eco Mode”.
As written on the documentation, it’s possible to add some “Customize settings” from the configuration menu of the integration. I attempted to add this function, but was unsuccessful.

I also add the screen of the MSmartHome for the control of it, in the bottom-right corner there is the “Eco Mode”.

Could someone help me with that? Someone may already have gotten that done with this integration.
Thanks in advance

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Off topic, but how did you connect your heat pump?

Hey! We also have a Clivet heat pump here in Italy and was wondering if you managed to hook it up?

Interesting topic for me, too.
WIll install Home Assistant for the first time as well (already configured HA Green and prepared HACS).

There are quite a few options to choose from:
Midea AC LAN
Midea Smart AC
Midea Air Appliances

Which all seem to do similar things. Was also wondering if ECO mode, which I use 99% of the time not only to save cost but also to get a more even constant cool air stream instead of ice cold blasts with heat waves in-between, is even available.

ECO mode can be turned on inside the Midea app but turns off after 8 hours, the idea was to reactivate ECO mode every 8 hours via an automation in HA to fix this issue.

I know this post is pretty old, but did you ever figure out how to access the ‘Preset’ modes on the Midea AC? I can click on them in the controller in HA, but I cannot access it anywhere in automations.

This thread was started two years ago - the information in it may be out of date. If possible, start a new thread, with a link to this one to provide context if necessary.