After the latest update, random MQTT switches drop out of the air, they say unknown.
Strangest thing about it is that even on one esp device some switches are seen and others not saying unknown rebooting the esp, did not help it I had to submit the mqtt topic again!
My Milight-hub was completely not working had to submit it again by clicking the old handheld remote, so that HA did see it again???
Seems that way, but why now after the update, most MQTT devices are long in my HA setup, slowly being phased out by esphome. Alas not all I can port to ESPHOME like milight and a few esp easy.
That said until the latest update they never posed that problem now with the device unknown status they do.
Because the update changed the default behavior when the state is unknown. Did you read the release notes I linked? The change is described there in Breaking Changes under MQTT. Until your device reports it’s state, the entity will be unknown in Home Assistant.
Yes read the release notes as always, and i see why the unknown value, yet as said funny thing is some of the mqtt mesage from the same esp node are read and displayed and others fail, that is on the same node, that is funny! Plus it gave me a lot of work manually going in all my nodes and doing a submit on the ports themselves as in easp easy is possible, then they were connected again.