Problem with mosquitto broker in Docker installation in Synology

Hi, i haver trying to install by docker in synology nas. For now i have installed ok HA and configurator, but i have a problem with mosquitto. i install the docker and everything is correct if i configure mqtt in HA by localhost but if i write ip in HA or in MQTT Explorer it doesn´t work.

this is my mosquitto. conf

persistent true
persistence_location /mosquitto/data
log_dest file /mosquitto/log/mosquitto.log

listener 1883
allow_anonymous true

There might be an issue with your Docker compose file (or however you setup the Docker image to run). Here’s my Docker compose file for mosquitto, and everything works fine:

version: '3'
    container_name: mqtt-server
      - '/volume1/configs/mosquitto/config:/mosquitto/config'
      - '/volume1/configs/mosquitto/data:/mosquitto/data'
      - '/volume1/configs/mosquitto/log:/mosquitto/log'
      - CONTAINER_TIMEZONE=America/New_York
      - '1883:1883'
      - '9001:9001'
    image: 'eclipse-mosquitto:latest'
    restart: unless-stopped
      - apparmor=unconfined

and my mosquitto config file:

listener 1883
allow_anonymous true
persistence true
persistence_location /mosquitto/data/
log_dest stdout
log_dest file /mosquitto/log/mosquitto.log

(please, nobody get on me about anonymous access, I made the choice I made based on my network config)

thanks for the information but i have tryed with you same configuration and i obtain same error. i dont know if it is error with permission or what

Is localhost correct. Hostname is best and persistent in docker containers in my opinion.

    container_name: mqtt-server
    hostname: mqtt

then use mqtt:1833 for connection instead of ip if connecting within docker network

i have try a lot of things.i think the problem was with anonymous access. thanks for your help!