Problem with moving from SD to SSD

Hello Community - Hope you can help me.

I am new to HA but I have been able to start moving my 100 devices at home and also setup DUCKDNS. Still running Smarthings for some sensors.

I tried to setup a SSD and having problems. I do have DUCK DNS and DNSMASQ setup.

  1. Take a fullbackup and download it.
  2. Setup a new SSD. (already did the Rasberry Pi to load from SSD)
  3. and then after it loads - I download the backup.
  4. Then my system doesn’t show up anymore…

What am I doing wrong ? Is there something else that I need to do with DUCK DNS or DNSMASQ?

Please help me.

Hi Lance
I have same problem, so I will hear if you got your solved?
The SSD is not recognized after flashing HA on it.
And yes I gave the command :
echo program_usb_boot_mode=1 !sudo tee -a /boot/config.txt

SSD is some sometimes recognized when boot from SD, but never without SD.