Im trying to install HomeAsisstant on my raspberry pi zero w. However Im using RPI as my print server (CUPS) - so i decided to dont use HASSbian and try to manually instal via PIP.
So im using this tutorial: https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/installation/raspberry-pi/
But i have some troubbles. For example in tutorial there is line:
python3.8 -m venv .
And this line is not working. I had to change it to:
python 3 -m venv homeassistant
After that ofcourse I started venv and tried to install HomeAssistant.
python3 -m pip install homeassistant
And this comand starts working. But after couple of minutes appears error.
Collecting h11==0.* (from httpcore==0.12.*->httpx==0.16.1->homeassistant)
Using cached https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/60/0f/7a0eeea938eaf61074f29fed9717f2010e8d0e0905d36b38d3275a1e4622/h11-0.12.0-py3-none-any.whl
requests 2.25.0 has requirement idna<3,>=2.5, but you'll have idna 3.1 which is incompatible.
I have no idea how install older version of idna.
Thanks for helping